Palline. The Megadango

MArch (2023) with Till Caspary, Leon Schreiner & Lukas Tiator

The Whole Sphere, 1:1 (2023)

Form is nature. Form is function. Form is beauty. Form is fun.

We saw the thematic breadth of clay construction as an opportunity to present the material in a previously unknown way. In polished and compressed form, clay has an almost stony texture – an interplay of reflection and extraordinary color contrast. Such a surface offers an incredible quality that is rarely associated with the material.

The thoroughly sustainable nature of the open sphere is evident which under the influence of the outside world is allowed to return to its original form, thus closing the cycle. After carrying out some tests on a smaller scale, the implementation proceeded with a screed covering a bamboo fibre framework, onto which several layers of clay were then applied. When it rained and hailed, the open ball slowly faced erosion from the outside, while the growth of previously planted seedlings came from within.

In this way, Palline embodies clay as a multifaceted building material and presents its form of potential in a timeless language. The playful, educational nature of the Japanese dorodango gives both direction and meaning to this sculptural expression.

The Process (2022-23)

Section of both Spheres (2023)
Collage, Whole Sphere (2023)
Collage, Broken Sphere (2023)
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